Registered Charity No. 507768
Welcome to The Huddersfield Singers Website
Formerly Huddersfield Glee & Madrigal Society (established 1875)
President - Susan Wilkinson Director of Music - Alex Woodrow
This site was built and is hosted at "no cost" using RV Sitebuilder,
provided by Eco Hosting.
Last updated at 08:20 on 2 4/03/2025
Listen to the Choir singing the "Wassail Song" at makingmusicuk (No. 36)

Please Support Our Choir
1. Click Here to go to the easyfundraising website, or scan the QR code.
2. Create an account. You’ll need to set a username/e-mail address and password.
3. Type in or search for "The Huddersfield Singers." You should be asked if you want to install "a web browser add-on." Select "Yes" to this and any other prompts you may get. That’s it! Both Sainsbury's and M & S are good supporters, as is John Lewis. The easyfundraising website will give you examples of retailers who have agreed to make a donation; there are lots of them. One very good on-line company is the holiday firm, You will get e-mail correspondence from easyfundraising, some promotional, but some indicating the money you and others have raised for the Choir. You can opt out from these, or Just delete the ones you don’t want.
We are always keen to welcome new members of all voice parts. Weekly rehearsals take place on Monday evenings between 7.30pm and 9.30pm at the Huddersfield Methodist Mission, 3-13 Lord Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1QA. on the Monday the 31st of March 2025 - fancy joining us? For more information contact The Choir Secretary
February 2025 100 club winners:-
1st 07 G Greenwood
2nd 33 C Dove
3rd 10 J McMenemey
Fancy a flutter? For more information Contact - The Choir Treasurer

A bit of Choir History. The Huddersfield Singers is a chamber choir of 30–40 members which was formed in 1875 as the Huddersfield Glee & Madrigal Society. The choir performs a wide variety of sacred and secular music from all periods of musical history, ranging from the mediæval to the present day.